Thursday, April 3, 2008

'' My Last Relationship''

My last relationship I had was with this boy name Khiry. I really didnt learn anything becasuse he always got on my nerves. Me and him really didnt get alone that well. he annoyed me so much. I was talking to him for almost two years and it was boring. But sometimes it wasnt that bad it just i think i wasnt liking him like that anymore. We did some fun things, sometimes we went out, we talked on the phone but it wasnt all that like i thought it was going to be. The relationship was ok it wasnt really nothing big. He was a good boyfriend sometimes not to get me wrong I think it was just me being mean to him sometimes. But something that i did learn was to get out of a relationship with someone i wasnt happy with and move on, and which i did i go with my man EDWARD. That is my boo.