Tuesday, February 19, 2008

" At time someone followed my advice''

There was this one time when i was talking on the phone to my sista and she neede some important advice about what she should do with her boyfriend, and the problems they were having with each other. There was this one time when she was so confussed and she didnt know what she wanted do as in staying with him or leaving him. It was hard for her because they have been together for 4yrs off and on and they always argue over stupid stuff. And my sista called me and she was mad and didnt now what she wanted to do but i told her that she shouldnt just give up on there relationship, because deep down they both love each other but not only that they both now that they want to be with each other and dont neither one of them want to seperate. So i told her to just call him and they need to sit down and have a face to race conversation with each other so they could work it out and make there siuation better. Which she took my advice and they are cool now.