Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Why apperance is not so important.

Well i feel that apperance is not important in one way but it is important in another. The reason why i say that it is not important because you dont have to look good for nobody else thats not important to you. you dont have to walk around and try to please somebody else or make yourself look good for someone to like you cause its not worth it. But in another way apperance can be important and thats because some people can tell by your apperance who you are and they think that they may know what you are about. But to me i feel that you can look good if you want to or you can look how ever thats up to you but i feel that you dont have to change your apperance for nobody else to be your friend or for you to try and get a man i say just be yourself cause thats going to get you somewhere not faking.

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