Monday, March 31, 2008

'' The Only Way to Have a friend is to be one''

The only way to have a friend is to be one and which i think that it is true. I think that being a good friend is someone who is there for you no matter what. Someone who will always half your back during the bad times. A good is a true friend and most of all who will be honest with you and wont do anything behind your back to hurt you. I feel that you cant be a true friend if you are not true with yourself. Meaning if you cannt be real with yourself and be honest than how are you going to be real with your friend. A friend is someone you know that when you are haveing your ups and downs and you need someone there by your side they will be that one to help you out. Afriend is someone who wouldnt back stab you. A friend is someone you could tell everything to and you know that he/she wouldnt go back and tell your business to anybody else. A friend is someone who is down to do whatever with you, a friend is someone who would tell you whats right and whats wrong. A friend is someone who will keep you out of trouble and basically be there.

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Princess#1 said...

That's True saundra and yo big head butt betta type me some comments to and my name is spelled CHANEL okay thank you boo boo.

Lady Gemini said...

sandra that true boo i honestly agree wit u hundred percent cause alot of people dont kno how to be a good friend lol u aint no good friend jus playin u are and thats y i luv u